Saturday, April 24, 2021

Hosted by: Zenica Chatman, Life and Leadership Coach

Join me for this FREE fun, interactive virtual day party experience to “spring clean” your life!

5 Reasons You Need to Attend

  1. Discover the #1 real reason you lack focus in achieving your goals.

  2. You need a break, girl! You do enough for everyone else; it’s time for you to take a break…guilt free

  3. Recharge and reconnect with your passions! It’s time to stop putting off your own dreams!

  4. Spring Into Action! You’ll get practical tips to help you throw out the trash in your head and break old habits that don’t fit you anymore.

  5. Win Prizes: Who doesn’t like free stuff? But ya gotta be present to win!


Hi, I’m Zenica!

I’m a marketing manager turned life coach and I help women rediscover their inner strength and confidence, so that they can live the lives they truly want; not who they were taught to be. 

I thrive at helping women who feel “stuck” in their lives or bored in their jobs and are looking for a challenge.

Through my personalized coaching experience, I help women start to reimagine their lives without the negative voice of their inner “mean girl” and learn how to operate from a place of strength and power! 

General Admission into the Spring Fling Day Party is FREE!

Upgrade to VIP Level for $97 and get:

  • Your week of transformation journaling prompts to keep your success going the week following the day party!

  • A personal 60 minute coaching session with me to jump start your second quarter!

Not interested in VIP, register for general admission, below.